Nicoletta Belletti lives and works in Parma, Italy. Her permenant hometown studio has been open for more than 10 years at Via Farini 63 in Parma. Nicoletta has several artistic collaborations including the Centro Botanico Moutan in Viterbo (which keeps the world's greatest collection of Chinese Peonies) as well as with Salumificio Terre Ducale (producer of Italian deli meats) and Codap (producer of fine milk and cream products). She has been exhibiting since 2000 exclusively in Italy and now with a growing public interest, she is interested in expanding. Nicoletta enjoys her work and is continually painting having produced over 1100 works since 2002. In Parma, she is the current chairwoman of the Art Group in Confartigianato APLA an artisan business association. Nicoletta was asked to take part in the 2011 Venice Biennale with the work "My friends and I", promoted by the Italian Pavilion at the 54th International Art Exhibition, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi.